

SOT Special Interest Group Spotlight: Women in Toxicology

By Courtney Sulentic posted 03-03-2022 02:27 PM


The early founders of the SOT Women in Toxicology (WIT) Special Interest Group recognized the need for mentoring and career support for women toxicologists as well as the importance of increasing the visibility and leadership roles for women within SOT. WIT has a history of developing initiatives that have staying power, such as the Mentoring Breakfast and supporting and increasing successful nominations of women for national SOT Awards. WIT has developed and/or sponsored sessions on a wide range of toxicology-relevant topics as well as topics that are particularly relevant to current social and environmental issues, such as mental health, environmental justice, and science communication. WIT also actively enhances situational awareness of issues relevant to women in the larger scientific community.

As in our logo, the activities of WIT center on four main goals that address these topics:

  1. Mentoring: Promoting the recruitment and retention of women in toxicology through trainee and mentoring awards and career development sessions.
  2. Visibility: Promoting and recognizing the accomplishments of women toxicologists both through WIT awards and by actively facilitating the nomination of women for SOT Awards.
  3. Leadership: Promoting leadership opportunities for women toxicologists through service on WIT Committees and election to the WIT Executive Committee. This provides an opportunity to build a leadership and service portfolio to enhance career development and also has been an entry into becoming more engaged in SOT.
  4. Education: Developing and sponsoring scientific and educational programs that advance the science of toxicology, including (but not limited to) gender-specific toxicological issues.

The WIT mission is as relevant in 2022 as it was when the group was founded in 2001. WIT provides a needed platform for women of all walks to connect and support each other through common career challenges.

We welcome all individuals to join WIT and volunteer within our group. I invite you to our annual WIT reception at the SOT Annual Meeting. It will be held on Wednesday, March 30, from 4:45 pm to 7:00 pm at the Marriott Marquis (Grand Ballrooms 8, 10, 11). WIT also is hosting a Panel Discussion on Career Agility on Monday, March 28, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in Grand Ballroom 8 of the Marriot Marquis. This is a limited-capacity event, so sign up early. I hope to see you in San Diego!
