

Call for Hot Topic Session Proposals for 2025 SOT Annual Meeting

By Cynthia Rider posted 12-05-2024 10:39 AM


Do you have a fresh idea for a Scientific Session that addresses a critical and timely topic in toxicology? SOT is now inviting submissions for Hot Topic Sessions for the 2025 Annual Meeting!

Two time slots are being held in the program schedule for Hot Topic Featured Sessions: a 90-minute session on Tuesday afternoon and a 165-minute session on Thursday morning.

Hot Topic proposals must be submitted as an MS Word document by Wednesday, January 29 for consideration. All proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Program Committee in mid-February. An example of a proposal is available on the SOT Annual Meeting website. Proposals should be directly emailed to SOT.

As with regular Symposium and Workshop Session proposals, Hot Topic proposals should include:

  1. The names and affiliations, including city, state, and country, of the Session Chairs. The Chair must be an SOT member.
  2. The preferred duration of the session (90 or 165 minutes).
  3. For 90-minute proposals, no more than three presenters; for 165-minute proposals, no more than five presenters. Nonmember speakers are welcome, but SOT will only offer complimentary registration for these individuals; no other expenses will be paid.
  4. The affiliations, including city, state, country, and email address, of all presenters.
  5. An overview abstract describing the session, as well as sufficiently detailed abstracts for each presentation topic.

Endorsement by an SOT Component Group (i.e., Regional Chapter, Special Interest Group, or Specialty Section) is not required.

If you have any questions on the Hot Topic Session proposal process, please email SOT Headquarters. We look forward to your proposals.
