

SOT Endorses Infusion of Toxicological Science through ToxScholar Visits

By Mindy Reynolds posted 09-24-2020 04:21 PM


With the aid of modern video technology, SOT members are encouraged to conduct virtual ToxScholar visits this year to increase the understanding of toxicology among students.

2018 Domestic ToxScholar Outreach program

The deadline for International ToxScholar applications is October 9. The Faculty United for Undergraduate Recruitment and Education (FUTURE) Committee invites you to make arrangements with a faculty contact in a developing country to present toxicology lectures and provide perspectives on careers in toxicology to undergraduate and graduate students. With the letter from the faculty contact, submit a completed application, and then, once approved, conduct an SOT-endorsed virtual visit with students who may not otherwise have the opportunity to learn about toxicology. If neither the applicant nor the institution has the technical capacity to set up the online connection, SOT funds can be requested to assist with arrangements. In future years, we anticipate that these visits will be made in person and that SOT will provide travel support.

In the United States, the Domestic ToxScholar program supports presentations at undergraduate institutions where toxicology has limited presence. Any SOT member, including trainees, can initiate an application. Some ToxScholar visits are done by teams. You may know a nearby undergraduate institution where you can develop a relationship, or perhaps you have a colleague at institution who might invite you to speak to undergraduates. In most cases, we anticipate that the faculty member would make the technical arrangements for the virtual presentation, but funds can be requested if a successful visit would require the SOT event platform. We encourage coordination with the respective Regional Chapter liaison to FUTURE.

FUTURE is currently contacting faculty who have been involved with SOT through undergraduate awards or other programs to solicit invitations for speakers. Many faculty are looking for ways to enrich their online teaching efforts this year. The Specialty Sections provided nominations of speakers on a variety of topics that would fit into undergraduate coursework. The list of topics can be found here, and we ask that SOT members forward this link to nonmember colleagues who might be interested in inviting a speaker. Or you might want to help with matching speakers to institutions. This list includes speaker names but is for member use only, in keeping with SOT data protection policies.

For information beyond what is found on the “ToxScholar Outreach Grants” web page, please contact Blase Billack (International ToxScholar), David Freier (Domestic ToxScholar), or Betty Eidemiller (SOT staff).
