

SOT Endowment Fund—Building for the Future

By Clarissa Russell posted 10-17-2013 02:16 PM




Contributors to the SOT Endowment Fund are helping to build for the future of toxicology through long-term financial support that generates critical resources that enable the Society to fulfill its mission, now and in the years to come.

Since its inception in 2006, Contributors to the Endowment have:

  • Underwritten more than 140 Student Travel Awards to the SOT Annual Meeting.
  • Recognized colleagues who have made enormous contributions to improving human health and the environment.
  • Created funds that acknowledge the contributions of toxicology educators to undergraduate students in toxicology and toxicology–related areas.
  • Strengthened global participation by providing financial support to scientists from developing countries to attend the SOT Annual Meeting.

Discover the benefits of giving wisely by viewing the 2013 Endowment Awardees.  

Please help SOT continue to make a difference by becoming a contributor to the SOT Endowment Fund. For more information and to contribute, please visit the SOT website.