

Announcing the Third Annual ToXchange Profile Picture Contest: Your Component Group Could Win!

By Ilycia Silver posted 12-10-2015 14:05


Last week, SOT announced the third annual ToXchange profile picture contest! This profile picture contest benefits the component groups: Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections. The goal is to be the component group with the highest percentage of its members with uploaded or updated profile pictures by the New Year. Component groups with the highest percentage of member profile pictures posted by January 1, 2016, will receive an award stipend of $500 as travel support funds to the SOT Annual Meeting—to be dispersed at the discretion of the component group.

As component groups vary in the number of members, there are three levels to the competition as follows:

A) Component Groups with up to 150 members
B) Component Groups with 151–300 members
C) Component Groups with more than 300 members
In addition to the award stipend for travel support to the SOT 55th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, the winning component groups will be recognized in the Communiqué blog.