

Science Alert: SLC and CCT Upcoming Webinars

By Michael Aschner posted 10-27-2016 02:10 PM


Two webinars are available to Society of Toxicology (SOT) members in early November: one sponsored by the Scientific Liaison Coalition (SLC) and the other by the SOT Contemporary Concepts in Toxicology  (CCT) Committee. These webinars are described below. 

Upcoming SLC Webinar:

Biology of Vaccines and Molecular Evolution of Viruses, Tuesday, November 1, 11:00 AM–12:30 PM ET USA

The SLC webinar will be presented by Paul E. Turner, PhD, Chair of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department, Yale University, Microbiology Faculty, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut. This presentation will cover fundamentals of virus molecular evolution and the biology of vaccines. This webinar will summarize the challenges of developing evolution-proof vaccines, such as those against rapidly evolving targets, particularly RNA viruses. An emphasis will be on past vaccine successes, such as the global vaccination program that eradicated variola virus (causative disease agent of smallpox in humans). The webinar is open to all the participating societies listed on the SLC website. Visit the SLC website for more information about this webinar and to register. SOT is a founding member of the SLC.

Upcoming CCT Webinar:

Reproducibility and Reliability of Biomedical Research: The Extent of the Problem, November 3, 2016, 2:00 PM ET USA

The next SOT CCT webinar will be presented by C. Glenn Begley, PhD, Akriveia Therapeutics. 21st century toxicology is in the midst of a revolution with the generation of new data and scientific publications at a previously unprecedented rate. The transition to utilizing this new science is predicated on the assurance of its reliability. Unfortunately, there is compelling evidence that the majority of these discoveries will not stand the test of time. Using case-studies of highly cited publications, this presentation will describe the extent of the problem and its potential impact on the evolution of 21st century toxicology and risk assessment. Registration is required.