

SOT-Supported Summer Undergraduate Internships: Host Applications Due January 7

By Christine Curran posted 12-19-2019 11:54 AM


An important way that SOT supports undergraduate students exploring toxicology is by providing funding for summer research programs. Members at academic, industry, and government facilities may apply for matching funds for summer 2020 undergraduate internship positions. The application is due January 7, 2020.

Jayasree Mullaguru 2019 Intern.pngSOT provides up to 50% of the support for each intern. The students funded by SOT must participate in toxicology research with a mentor who is an SOT member. The host institution determines the selection procedures and defines the research program. The applicant provides description of activities that support strong mentorship, seminar and presentation experience, peer group structure, the assessment plan, and other aspects that contribute to an excellent experience for the student.

We encourage hosts to consider selecting students who have been involved in other SOT programs, such as the Undergraduate Diversity Program. It is anticipated that SOT-supported interns will submit an abstract for the next SOT Annual Meeting if they are able to collect sufficient data during the internship and apply for any SOT travel awards for which they are eligible. Hosts provide follow-up information to help the Faculty United for Toxicology Undergraduate Recruitment and Education (FUTURE) Committee assess the influence of the program.

2019 Summer Intern Joel Ennis.pngWorking with undergraduate interns is highly rewarding and an important way to recruit students in toxicology fields. You don’t have to be at a large institution to take part. I have been taking advantage of the SOT intern program for the last several years to leverage funds set aside at my home institution, Northern Kentucky University, for recruitment of underrepresented and underserved populations. Taking part also can build diversity and inclusion in STEM.

Help us inform undergraduates about all internship opportunities in toxicology! SOT maintains a listing of internship opportunities for the SOT website. Please email information about toxicology-related internship experiences in academia, government, and industry to SOT for inclusion in the listing.