

CDI Seeks Engaging Speakers for the 2018 SOT Undergraduate Program

By Marquea King posted 08-31-2017 02:48 PM


Submitted by Marquea D. King and Jim Luyendyk, Co-leads, 2018 CDI Speaker and Program Planning

The Committee on Diversity Initiatives (CDI) is seeking recommendations for possible speakers during their Annual Undergraduate Program at the 2018 meeting in San Antonio, TX. The group is seeking dynamic and exciting speakers who are able present a toxicology topic to undergraduate students in a 45-50 minute timeframe. Toxicology topic areas should be diverse yet relevant and easy to understand for all levels of expertise. All suggestions will be considered for the three presentations that are scheduled.

The name, contact information, and toxicology topic area for suggested speakers would be appreciated and we will contact these individuals to see if they are both willing and able to be a part of such a phenomenal event.

Please send any recommendations to Rachel Woodson by September 8.