

Policy Change Regarding Children at the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo

By George Daston posted 06-20-2019 13:53


2020 Annual Meeting Banner - Purple.png

In an effort to support parents/guardians attending the SOT Annual Meeting, Council has changed the policy regarding the admittance of children. SOT Annual Meeting registrants (excluding registered guests) will be allowed to bring children into Scientific Sessions and the ToxExpo Exhibit Hall. Our intent is to make it easier for our attendees with primary responsibility for childcare to get the most out of the meeting, while respecting the need to minimize distractions for all participants.

It’s important that you be in full control of your child: children must not interfere with exhibits or be disruptive (e.g., running, excessive noise); it’s just not fair to the other meeting attendees. Parents are responsible for the actions of their children. Please note that we are not extending admission to guests (e.g., spouses of meeting attendees) with children. 

We are also exploring day care programs for the 2020 SOT Annual Meeting. Please respond to this two-minute survey to allow us to gauge interest in childcare options. Please respond to the survey by June 30, 2019. 

Council appreciates your feedback as we explore opportunities to further support parents attending the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo.