

SOT Seeking Annual Meeting Reporters

By Michelle Werts posted 02-26-2015 14:17


With more than 160 scientific sessions and more than 2,400 abstracts at the 54th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, San Diego is going to be a hub of new and interesting toxicological science March 22–26, 2015. To make sure all of our attendees and members experience as much of the great research and discussions as possible, we need your help!

We’re recruiting SOT members to serve as an army of “reporters” during the Annual Meeting. These reporters will attend their choice of activities at the Annual Meeting, and throughout the week, they will deliver two or three written recaps about the activities they’ve attended. These recaps can be from a few short paragraphs to detailed, point-by-point recountings. Ultimately, we want them to be representative of each writer. For some, this may mean a conversational tone and style, and for others, it may be a persuasive argument or opinion.

For a sample of what our volunteers contributed last year, please visit the Communiqué blog. Many of these articles experienced more than 2,000 views online following the meeting!

Here’s how the reporting works:

  • Send a note to Liz Kasabian, SOT Communications Assistant, indicating your willingness to serve as an Annual Meeting reporter, as well as a list of 2–4 sessions you plan to attend and would be willing to recap for us. The program schedule can be found as a PDF on the 2015 Annual Meeting website or through the free Mobile Event App
  • We will confirm your “assignments” with you prior to the meeting, and you will receive a SOT Reporter ribbon to attach to your name badge.
  • During the Annual Meeting, upon the completion of one of your assigned sessions, you will send your recap to Liz within five hours of the session ending, and she’ll take it from there, posting the recaps to the Communiqué.

One of our goals with this effort is to capture the feel and excitement of the Annual Meeting through the experience of our member reporters. As such, when sending a list of what you’d like to cover for us, feel free to include a wide variety of items — Continuing Education Courses, Symposia, Workshops, Poster Sessions, Lectures, etc. Our main focus of this activity is on the Scientific Sessions, but if you are interested in covering something else, just let us know.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in San Diego and are excited to make this year’s SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo the best one yet!