Do you still need those last few recertification hours? Do you want to learn about the basics of systematic review or the industrial applications of computational toxicology? Or perhaps you want to bring your coworkers up to speed on PBPK applications in chemical safety assessment or the basics of immunotoxicology. With the wealth of opportunities and resources they offer, the CEd-Tox online Continuing Education (CE) courses are sure to provide what you need. With 70 courses spanning the breadth of toxicology, CEd-Tox is a readily affordable means to expand your knowledge! Check out CEd-Tox today!

New Courses for 2019
- “Assay Development Principles and Good Research Practices for Rigor and Reproducibility in In Vitro Toxicology”
- “Beauty of the Skin Is in the Eye of the Beholder: A Basic Course on Dermal and Ocular Toxicology”
- “Conducting Systematic Review in Toxicology—Why, When, How?”
- “Current Dose-Response Modeling Strategies and Applications in Chemical Risk Assessment”
- “Developmental Toxicity of the Skeletal System: Interpretation of Findings in DART Studies and Implications for Risk Assessment”
- “Industrial Application of Computational Toxicology in the 21st Century”
- “Mechanistic Understanding and Quantitative Risk Assessment in Immunotoxicology”
- “Microbiome and Environmental Toxicants: From Study Design and Analysis to Regulatory Guidance”