

Opportunity for Students—AAAS Hosting Sixth Annual “CASE Workshop: Catalyzing Advocacy for Science and Engineering”

By Yvonne Dragan posted 01-17-2019 03:26 PM


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is hosting the sixth Annual “CASE Workshop: Catalyzing Advocacy for Science and Engineering” from March 24–27, 2019, in Washington, DC.

Designed as a forum for educating STEM upperclassmen and graduate students about science policy and advocacy, during this three-and-a-half-day workshop participants will learn about the structure and organization of Congress, the federal budget and appropriations processes, and tools for effective science communication and civic engagement. 

Any university or professional, scientific, and/or engineering society may become a sponsor of this workshop and send up to four students to the CASE event; sponsorship includes a $225 registration fee per student, as well as all associated travel and lodging costs. The deadline to register as a sponsoring institution is January 31, 2019, or when the workshop reaches capacity; space is limited and is first-come, first-served.

For additional details, visit the AAAS CASE Workshop website or email Joanne Carney.

SOT is an AAAS Affiliate and, as such, is committed to sharing information regarding AAAS opportunities of relevance with the SOT membership.