

Become a Founding Member of One Health Toxicology: Gauging Interest in a New SOT Specialty Section

By Abdel Kadry posted 08-24-2023 11:29


Co-authored by Wilson K. Rumbeiha and Mohamed Ghorab

If there is one thing the global health landscape has made clear, it is that no living being exists in isolation. The health of humans, animals, and our shared environment are inextricably intertwined. Environmental pollution, climate change, food insecurity, emerging infectious diseases, and other factors interact to threaten human, animal, and ecosystem health, which curtails sustainable development globally.

“One Health” is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals, and ecosystems (One Health High-Level Expert Panel et al. 2022). It is a holistic approach to understanding and mitigating toxicological risks that has become critical in a world where environmental challenges are becoming increasingly complex, requiring interdisciplinary collaborations. The need for a One Health approach to solve local, regional, and global issues has become increasingly recognized (Beasley 2009, Buttke 2011, Lebov et al. 2017), receiving acknowledgment from powerhouses like the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), and the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).

SOT member Mohamed Ghorab, PhD, US EPA, is leading an initiative with fellow members Wilson K. Rumbeiha, DVM, PhD, DABT, DABVT, University of California Davis, and Abdel-Razak Kadry, DVM, PhD, DABT, University of Maryland, to establish a One Health Toxicology (OHT) Specialty Section within SOT. The OHT Specialty Section would provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and would champion interdisciplinary collaborations globally to address threats to human, animal, and ecosystem health. 

Why Toxicology Needs the One Health Lens

At its core, toxicology is an interdisciplinary profession. Our profession dives deep into understanding the adverse effects of chemical substances on living organisms, but let’s face it—our explorations are not limited to just human interactions. Pesticides, for instance, do not just affect the farmer; they permeate the soil, influence crop health, trickle down to the waterways, and even impact the little bird picking worms from the ground. It also involves the interaction of toxicants with infectious agents. Our study of toxicological effects, therefore, demands a holistic approach that encapsulates these myriad interactions. That is precisely where One Health steps in.

The goals of the OHT Specialty Section will include:

  • Broadened Horizons
    Fostering One Health collaborations among toxicologists and between toxicologists with other disciplines. Health problems are multifaceted and frequently necessitate insights from toxicologists, veterinarians, ecologists, public health experts, and other professionals working together. The OHT Specialty Section will be a go-to forum within SOT for this purpose.
  • A Stronger Voice for Research and Knowledge Advancement
    The OHT Specialty Section will serve as a hub for research and knowledge exchange. Promoting a One Health approach will generate novel ideas and knowledge, leading to better-informed decisions about exposure limits, risk assessment, and environmental health management. This will advance translational toxicology.
  • Environmental Stewardship
    The heart of One Health toxicology is environmental health. The group will play an important role in advocating for policies that protect biodiversity, ecosystem services, and the delicate balance of nature. 
  • Educate to Empower
    Embracing the One Health perspective means widening the scope of our community outreach and educational programs. Knowledge is power, and the right kind of knowledge can change the world. The OHT Specialty Section will play a key role in educating the public about the role of toxicologists in One Health and the importance of a One Health research approach to advance knowledge to protect human, animal, and ecosystem health and for sustainable development globally. Therefore, this Specialty Section stands to be transformative and will be at the forefront of shifting the paradigm toward a more integrated and holistic approach to toxicology. 

A Call to Arms—Join Us for a Healthier Tomorrow

To the esteemed members of the toxicology community, this is not just a call for integration. It is a call for evolution. By adopting the One Health approach as a Specialty Section, we position ourselves at the forefront of modern health challenges. The global perspective of One Health ensures that our practices and findings resonate on a larger scale, offering a more significant impact on the world around us.

We invite all toxicologists with a passion in this area to join us in this initiative. Together, under the umbrella of One Health, we can build a safer, healthier future for all. If this sounds interesting or if you feel you belong here, please contact Dr. Ghorab by email. We need at least 50 charter members for the SOT Council to consider adopting this Specialty Section. Currently, we have 25 individuals who have expressed interest.


1 comment


08-27-2023 17:49

I strongly support this new SIG.  Linda Birnbaum