

Upcoming Committee and Component Group Award Deadlines: September and October 2023

By Dori Germolec posted 08-31-2023 01:52 PM


2023 SOT/SOT Endowment Fund/IUTOX Travel
Award recipients with IUTOX President
José Manautou, PhD, ATS (second from left)

In addition to SOT Awards and Supported Awards with an October 9 application/nomination deadline, the SOT Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections confer many awards throughout the year to recognize the achievements of toxicologists, particularly graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. Awards with deadlines through October 31, 2023, are listed in this blog.

This year, SOT launched a new awards application platform making it easier than ever to find awards and manage your applications. I encourage you to use the new search functionality to identify awards for which you are eligible and to use the guided application system to easily apply for the various honors. In addition, please consider nominating individuals you feel are worthy and/or informing a qualified student, postdoctoral scholar, or colleague about these awards. For full details and contact information for each award, visit the “SOT Awards” web page on the SOT website.

Awards supported by the SOT Endowment Fund are noted with an asterisk (*).

Regional Chapter

Award Name


Pacific Northwest

Student Award*

September 2


Dr. Hillary M. Carpenter, III Merit Award

September 10


Student Presentation Award

September 15

Central States

Graduate and Postdoctoral Student Travel Award

September 17

Ohio Valley

Best PhD Student Platform Presentation Award

September 20

Ohio Valley

Best PhD Student Poster Presentation Award

September 20

Ohio Valley

Best Postdoctoral Platform Presentation Award

September 20

Ohio Valley

Big Picture Science

September 20

Ohio Valley

Early-Stage Investigator Platform Presentation Award

September 20

Ohio Valley

Master’s Student Presentation Award

September 20

Ohio Valley

Undergraduate Student Award

September 20

Central States

Doull Award

September 23

National Capital Area

Fall Symposium Trainee Abstract Award

September 29


Fall Meeting Oral Presentation Award

September 30


Fall Meeting Postdoc Poster Award

September 30


Fall Meeting Student Poster Awards

September 30

South Central

Award for Undergraduate Participation

October 22

South Central

Fall Meeting Presentation Awards

October 22

Special Interest Group



Association of Scientists of Indian Origin

Best Paper Award

October 15

SOT Committees



Postdoctoral Assembly

Postdoctoral Publication Award

October 2

IUTOX, in partnership with SOT

SOT/SOT Endowment Fund/IUTOX Travel Award*

October 9

Board of Publications

Toxicological Sciences Paper of the Year Award

October 9

Education and Career Development Committee

New Experiences in Toxicology Program

October 15

Education and Career Development Committee

Supplemental Training for Education Program

October 15

Committee on Diversity Initiatives

Perry J. Gehring Diversity Student Travel Award*

October 16

Committee on Diversity Initiatives

Undergraduate Diversity Program Advisor Travel Award

October 16

Committee on Diversity Initiatives

Undergraduate Diversity Program Student Travel Award

October 16

Faculty United for Toxicology Undergraduate Recruitment and Education (FUTURE)

Undergraduate Research Award

October 16
