

Save the Dates: Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on Drug Safety

By Lauren Lewis posted 02-03-2022 14:41


This blog was authored by Lauren Lewis, PhD; Molly Morgan, PhD; Ruth Roberts, PhD; and Myrtle Davis, DVM, PhD. These events are endorsed and supported by SOT given their relevance to advancing the SOT Strategic Plan.

Adverse events remain a significant hindrance to the drug development process. Thus, it comes as no surprise that improving the science surrounding drug safety is imperative for refining patient outcomes. Plans for the 2022 Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Conference (GRC) on Drug Safety are underway, and we wanted to tell you all to save the dates! The GRS will be held June 18–19, 2022, followed by the GRC, June 19–24, 2022, at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts (30 minutes from Boston).

The GRS will be held in conjunction with the GRC to enhance the Gordon Conference experience for students, trainees, and postdoctoral fellows. The GRS is chaired by Molly Morgan, Crown Biosciences Inc., and Lauren Lewis, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, and is organized for young scientists with a focus on their scientific presentations. A career development panel will be held to offer career advice and will include leaders from government, industry, and academia, and travel awards are available for graduate and postdoctoral trainees. Submit abstracts by March 18, 2022, to be considered for an oral presentation!

The GRC agenda will mirror the drug development pipeline with topics ranging from in silico computational approaches to clinical trials. Chaired by Myrtle Davis, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, with Vice-Chair Ruth Roberts, ApconiX, the Drug Safety GRC is a multidisciplinary gathering of scientists from academia, industry, and government. The primary goal of the conference is to discuss different strategies to overcome safety challenges in drug discovery and development. For students and trainees, the conference serves as a career development opportunity and a chance to share their research results with experts in various fields through poster sessions and short talks. Social gatherings each evening allow time for in-depth and informal interactions with leading research scientists. Applications for this meeting must be submitted by May 22, 2022!

While the fees have not yet been finalized, the registration costs for the GRC and GRS will include registration, all meals, and accommodations for the duration of the meeting. For full details about these events, please visit the Drug Safety GRC web page and the Drug Safety GRS website.
