Regional Chapter
Southeastern RC Platform Presentation Awards
November 4
Southeastern RC Poster Presentation Award
November 4
Northeast RC Fall Meeting Oral Presentation Award
November 12
Northeast RC Fall Meeting Postdoc Poster Award
November 12
Northeast RC Fall Meeting Student Poster Awards
November 12
Midwest RC Undergraduate/Graduate/Postdoc Travel Award
December 1
North Carolina
North Carolina RC Graduate Student Platform Presentation Award
December 1
North Carolina
North Carolina RC President’s Award for Research Competition (PARC)
December 1
North Carolina
North Carolina RC Trainee Poster Presentation Competition
December 1
Northland RC Graduate Student Travel Award
December 4
Northland RC Postdoctoral Travel Award
December 4
Pacific Northwest
Pacific Northwest RC Toxicology Achievement Award
December 6
Northeast RC Paper of the Year Award
December 10
Northeast RC Student Travel Award for SOT Annual Meeting
December 10
Lone Star
Lone Star RC Annual Meeting Best Platform and Poster Award
December 15
Lone Star
Lone Star RC LSSOT Annual Meeting Travel/Housing Awards
December 15
Lone Star
Lone Star RC LSSOT Undergraduate Award
December 15
Lone Star
Lone Star RC Young Investigator Award
December 15
Northern California
Northern California RC NorCal SOT Graduate Student Achievement Award
December 20
Northern California
Northern California RC NorCal SOT Postdoctoral Achievement Award
December 20
Northern California
Northern California RC NorCal SOT Undergraduate Student Travel Award to SOT Annual Mtg
December 20
National Capital Area
National Capital Area 2022 Bern Schwetz Travel Award
December 31
Special Interest Group
Women in Toxicology SIG Celebrating Women in Toxicology Award*
November 8
Women in Toxicology SIG Postdoctoral Fellow Achievement Award
November 8
Women in Toxicology SIG Vera W. Hudson and Elizabeth K. Weisburger Scholarship Fund Student Award*
November 8
Association of Scientists of Indian Origin SIG Dr. Dharm Singh Postdoctoral Fellow Best Abstract Award*
December 8
Association of Scientists of Indian Origin SIG Dr. Harihara Mehendale Graduate Student Best Abstract Award*
December 8
Association of Scientists of Indian Origin SIG Dr. Laxman Desai Graduate Student Best Abstract Award*
December 8
Association of Scientists of Indian Origin SIG Toxikon, a Preclinical Toxicology Organization; and Dr. Dharm Singh Association of Scientists of Indian Origin (ASIO) International Travel Award*
December 8
Out Toxicologists and Allies SIG Postdoctoral Fellow Achievement Award
December 15
American Association of Chinese in Toxicology SIG AACT and InnoStar Best Abstract Awards
December 31
American Association of Chinese in Toxicology SIG Distinguished Chinese Toxicologist Award
December 31
American Association of Chinese in Toxicology SIG Jean Lu Student Scholarship Award*
December 31
American Association of Chinese in Toxicology SIG JOINN Biomere Outstanding Young Toxicologist Award of AACT
December 31
Specialty Sections
Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology SS Edward W. Carney Trainee Award*
November 15
Dermal Toxicology
Dermal Toxicology SS Annual “Paper of the Year” Award
December 1
Dermal Toxicology
Dermal Toxicology SS Informa Healthcare Award
December 1
Dermal Toxicology
Dermal Toxicology SS Postdoctoral Award
December 1
Dermal Toxicology
Dermal Toxicology SS Student and Postdoctoral Grant Award
December 1
Immunotoxicology SS Best Paper of the Year Award
December 1
Immunotoxicology SS Best Presentation by a Postdoctoral Trainee Award
December 1
Immunotoxicology SS Best Presentation by a Student Award
December 1
Immunotoxicology SS HESI Immunotoxicology Young Investigator Travel Award*
December 1
Immunotoxicology SS Mitzi and Prakash Nagarkatti Research Excellence in Immunotoxicology Award*
December 1
Immunotoxicology SS Outstanding Senior Immunotoxicologist Award
December 1
Immunotoxicology SS Outstanding Young Immunotoxicologist Award
December 1
Immunotoxicology SS Vos Lifetime Career Achievement Award in Immunotoxicology
December 1
Mechanisms SS Career Achievement Award
December 1
Mechanisms SS Carl C. Smith Graduate Student Award*
December 1
Mechanisms SS Elsevier Postdoctoral Award
December 1
Mechanisms SS Renal Toxicology Award*
December 1
Mechanisms SS Ronald G. Thurman Student Travel Award*
December 1
Mechanisms SS Sheldon D. Murphy Student and Postdoctoral Endowment Award*
December 1
Molecular and Systems Biology
Molecular and Systems Biology SS Graduate Student Research Award*
December 3
Molecular and Systems Biology
Molecular and Systems Biology SS Paper of the Year Award
December 3
Molecular and Systems Biology
Molecular and Systems Biology SS Postdoctoral Scholar Research Award*
December 3
Molecular and Systems Biology
Molecular and Systems Biology SS Undergraduate Research Award*
December 3
Sustainable Chemicals through Contemporary Toxicology
Sustainable Chemicals through Contemporary Toxicology SS Best Abstract Graduate Student Award
December 13
Sustainable Chemicals through Contemporary Toxicology
Sustainable Chemicals through Contemporary Toxicology SS Best Abstract Postdoctoral Scholar Award
December 13
Drug Discovery Toxicology
Drug Discovery Toxicology SS Paper of the Year Award
December 15
Nanoscience and Advanced Materials
Nanoscience and Advanced Materials SS Best Publication
December 15
Nanoscience and Advanced Materials
Nanoscience and Advanced Materials SS Outstanding Graduate Student Award
December 15
Nanoscience and Advanced Materials
Nanoscience and Advanced Materials SS Outstanding Postdoctoral Award
December 15
Neurotoxicology SS Distinguished Neurotoxicologist Award
December 15
Carcinogenesis SS Dharm V. Singh Carcinogenesis Graduate Student Endowment Award*
December 17
Carcinogenesis SS Environmental Carcinogenesis Merit Award for Graduate Students*
December 17
Carcinogenesis SS Environmental Carcinogenesis Merit Award for Postdoctoral Researchers*
December 17
Carcinogenesis SS James A. Swenberg Carcinogenesis Merit Award for Junior Faculty Members*
December 17
Carcinogenesis SS Postdoctoral Researcher and Young Investigator Award
December 17
Occupational and Public Health
Occupational and Public Health SS Paper of the Year Award
December 17
Drug Discovery Toxicology
Drug Discovery Toxicology SS Postdoctoral Poster Competition— Annual Meeting*
December 29
Drug Discovery Toxicology
Drug Discovery Toxicology SS Student Poster Competition—Annual Meeting*
December 29
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary SS Best Publication of the Year
December 30
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary SS Charles River Award
December 30
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary SS Lifetime Achievement Award
December 30
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary SS Outstanding Early Career Scientist
December 30
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary SS Outstanding Mid-Career Scientist
December 30
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary SS Roger O. McClellan Student Award*
December 30
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary SS STP Student Award
December 30
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary SS Student Award
December 30
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary
Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary SS Trainee Award
December 30
Mechanisms SS Robert J. Rubin Student Travel Award*
December 30
Biological Modeling
Biological Modeling SS Andersen-Clewell Trainee Award*
December 31
Biological Modeling
Biological Modeling SS Best Paper Award
December 31
Biological Modeling
Biological Modeling SS Best Trainee Abstract Award
December 31
Biological Modeling
Biological Modeling SS Perry J. Gehring Biological Modeling Endowment Award*
December 31
Cardiovascular Toxicology
Cardiovascular Toxicology SS Impact Award
December 31
Cardiovascular Toxicology
Cardiovascular Toxicology SS Trainee Award
December 31
Computational Toxicology
Computational Toxicology SS Paper of the Year Award
December 31
Computational Toxicology
Computational Toxicology SS Top 10 Best SOT-CTSS Abstract Award
December 31
Computational Toxicology
Computational Toxicology SS Yves Alarie Diversity Award for Trainees and Young Investigators*
December 31
Occupational and Public Health
Occupational and Public Health SS Best Abstract Award
December 31
Occupational and Public Health
Occupational and Public Health SS Best Manuscript Award
December 31
Ocular Toxicology
Ocular Toxicology SS Annual “Paper of the Year” Award
December 31
Ocular Toxicology
Ocular Toxicology SS Biannual Career Achievement Award
December 31
Ocular Toxicology
Ocular Toxicology SS Covance-OSOD Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Fellow Research Award
December 31
Ocular Toxicology
Ocular Toxicology SS Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Trainee Support Award
December 31
Ocular Toxicology
Ocular Toxicology SS Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Trainee Support Award
December 31
Ocular Toxicology
Ocular Toxicology SS I2 Award (Innovation and Impact) Sponsored by Biomere
December 31
Ocular Toxicology
Ocular Toxicology SS Ocular Toxicology Best Poster Award
December 31
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment SS Andersen-Clewell Trainee Award*
December 31
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment SS Best Overall Abstract Award
December 31
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment SS Best Published Paper Advancing the Science of Risk Assessment Award
December 31
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment SS Best Published Paper Demonstrating an Application of Risk Assessment Award
December 31
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment SS John Doull Risk Assessment Endowment Award*
December 31
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment SS Perry J. Gehring Best Graduate Student Abstract Risk Assessment Endowment Award*
December 31
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment SS Perry J. Gehring Best Postdoctoral Fellow Abstract Risk Assessment Endowment Award*
December 31
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment SS Robert J. Rubin Student Risk Assessment SS Travel Award*
December 31
Education and Career Development Committee
Graduate Intern Fellowship in Toxicology
December 1