The Society of Toxicology (SOT) Component Groups (Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections) host many webinars throughout the year. Webinars are an effective distance-learning method intended to impart scientific knowledge to members of their group as well as the SOT membership at large. These webinars are just one of the many benefits of SOT membership.
Upcoming webinars for September 2017 are listed below.
Biological Modeling Specialty Section (BMSS)
Topic: TRA Vitro - VIVO
Date and Time: Friday, September 15, 2017, 11:00 am–12:00 pm Eastern Time
Event address and registration for attendees
Quantitative extrapolation from in vitro to in vivo can be a perilous journey through toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics (from dose-response modeling to systems toxicology) if we do not have a good computing companion. Dr. Frederic Bois will illustrate the use of his main computing engine (GNU MCSim) in some of their recent or current projects on QIVIVE. He will show the framework and models they develop and illustrate the associated data analysis challenges.
Registration is required.
Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Specialty Section (RSESS)
Topic: Updates to US FDA’s GLP Regulations
Date and Time: Friday, September 29, 2017, 11:30 am–12:45 pm Eastern Time
Event address and registration for attendees
The speaker is Mark Seaton, PhD, DABT, US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA). The Good Laboratory Practice regulations (GLPs; CFR Title 21, Part 58) for nonclinical laboratory studies were established by the US FDA in 1978. GLPs provide a framework to ensure the quality and integrity of data generated from nonclinical laboratory studies. As a continued modernization process in pharmaceutical evaluation and development, the US FDA has recently proposed updates to the GLP regulations. This webinar will present these revisions in the GLP regulations and the rationale for these changes.
Registration is required.