Now that SOT has finalized the Learning Framework for undergraduate toxicology education, how can instructors implement the tool to improve their teaching and enhance student success? Register for our professional development webinar, “Adopting the Undergraduate Toxicology Learning Framework,” which will take place on April 29, 2019, at 12:00 noon (EDT). As project lead, I, along with Christine Curran, chair of FUTURE (the newly launched SOT Faculty United for Toxicology Undergraduate Recruitment and Education Committee), will provide an overview of this resource and explain how toxicology lab and lecture courses can be (re)designed to incorporate key concepts and align with the National Science Foundation/American Association for the Advancement of Science “Vision and Change” framework for undergraduate biology education. Educators will have the opportunity to share their own ideas and ask questions related to their course development and instruction.
This framework is designed around five Core Concepts: Evolution, Biological Information, Risk and Risk Management, Systems Toxicology, and Pathways and Transformations for Energy and Matter. Underlying Toxicology Concepts and Learning Objectives are used to emphasize particular aspects of toxicology related to the type of course being offered, such as environmental toxicology or pharmacological toxicology. Case studies and example learning objectives are then used to provide specific examples explaining the Toxicology Concepts and Learning Objectives.
The SOT Toxicology Learning Framework will be included with those for other life science courses on CourseSource and will be available for faculty across institutions and disciplines. Additional information about the development and content of the Learning Framework is discussed in an upcoming article in Toxicological Sciences.
Those who are not able to participate in the live session can access the recording and slides on the SOT website, along with the previous Undergraduate Educator Network webinars.