

BMSS Webinar: TRA Vitro-Vivo—September 15, 2017

By Jeffery Gearhart posted 08-24-2017 01:54 PM


Submitted by Jeffrey Gearhart, President, BMSS

The Biological Modeling Specialty Section (BMSS) Executive Committee has scheduled a BMSS webinar to take place on Friday, September 15, 2017, at 11:00 am, EDT. Dr. Frederic Bois from the Institut National de l’environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS), France, will give a presentation entitled: TRA Vitro-Vivo.

Quantitative extrapolation from in vitro to in vivo can be a perilous journey through toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics (from dose-response modeling to systems toxicology) if we do not have a good computing companion. Dr. Bois will illustrate the use of his main computing engine (GNU MCSim) in some of their recent or current projects on QIVIVE. He will show the framework and models they develop and illustrate the associated data analysis challenges.

Registration is required for this event.

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