

SOT’s 51st Annual Meeting—Building on a Half Century of Success

By Marcia Lawson posted 03-01-2012 15:05


The Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual Meeting, the largest toxicology meeting and exhibition in the world, is the go-to event for scientists around the world.  More than 7,500 scientists from academia, government, and industry from countries around the globe, including Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America, are attending this March 11–15, 2012, meeting in San Francisco, California.

This 51st SOT Annual Meeting begins by honoring the 2012 SOT Award Recipients, of both SOT Awards and Sponsored Awards.  You are invited to join in celebrating the achievements of these outstanding scientists at the Awards Ceremony, Sunday, March 11, 5:15 pm–6:30 pm in Room 103 of the Moscone Convention Center. As a prelude to the ceremony, enjoy the Awards Ceremony Music performed by Glenn Staller, Classical Guitarist, from 4:45 pm–5:15 pm. Several new awards have been added this year, including the Translational/Bridging Travel Award and the Global Senior Scholar Exchange Program.

Following the Awards Ceremony, mingle with other attendees at the Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall E, from 6:30 pm–7:30 pm. You will have the opportunity to see old friends and to make new ones. The SOT Annual Meeting receives high marks for its networking opportunities and toxicologists, from students to senior scientists, appreciate this opening event. 

All this activity provides a grand introduction to the major purpose of the meeting, the science. From the Plenary Opening Lecture and featured lectures to the wide range of scientific sessions and Continuing Education courses, the Annual Meeting offers an unparalleled depth of analysis and relevant toxicological issues. From basic to advanced topical issues, the thematic approach provides each attendee an opportunity to learn about emerging fields.