

SOT Annual Meeting—Saturday in Pictures

By Michelle Werts posted 03-23-2014 09:44 PM


599_8185.jpgOfficially, the 53rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo starts today, but for some ambitious undergraduates, their program commenced last night with the initial events of the 2014 SOT Annual Meeting's Undergraduate Education Program. This program, hosted by SOT's Committee for Diversity Initiatives, features activities designed to introduce students to toxicology, its careers, and its importance. Participants are winners of Minority and Undergraduate Student Travel Awards.

Activities last night included a welcoming/ice breaker event that featured this year's "inductees" into the "Tox Squad" (pictured here), followed by the recognition of the 2014 Perry J. Gehring Diversity Student Travel Award winner, Pamella B. Tijerina, and honorable mention, Zuleirys Santana Rodriguez. The evening concluded with a reception and cutting of a cake recognizing the 25th anniversary of the Undergraduate Education Program for Minority Students.

Check out the full gallery of photos on the SOT Facebook page.