A number of SOT education-related programs have upcoming deadlines.

For Undergraduate Faculty
Two grant programs for SOT members teaching undergraduates have a March 29 deadline. Undergraduate Faculty Research Grants provide funding for faculty to support students doing toxicology-related research beginning no later than fall 2019.

The Undergraduate Faculty Development Grant will support workshops or other professional development defined by an undergraduate faculty member.

For Regional Chapters
Regional Chapter Undergraduate Activity Funds will provide support for activities in conjunction with Regional Chapter meetings that are designed specifically to involve undergraduate students. The deadline is March 29.

For International Visits to Developing Countries
International ToxScholar Outreach Grants provide up to $1,250 to support travel for an SOT member who will expand awareness of toxicology and promote toxicology careers through interaction of toxicologists with undergraduate and graduate students in developing countries. This deadline is April 1.

For Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Diversity Initiatives Endowment Career Development Awards are for undergraduate and graduate students from groups underrepresented in the sciences who are SOT Undergraduate Student Affiliates or Student members. Proposals for experiences that will enable undergraduate and graduate students to engage in additional education and career development opportunities to enhance their professional development will be accepted until the April 10 deadline.

For Graduate Students
Supplementary Training for Education Program (STEP) awards enable SOT Student members who have advanced to candidacy to obtain additional training related to toxicology that will enhance career opportunities by addressing an identified professional/scientific skill gap of the student and thus advance their career goals in toxicology. This supplemental training must be outside the available resources of the applicant’s graduate training and research program and should not be requested to refine a dissertation project–related technique or to attend a professional society or scientific conference in their field of study. The deadline is May 1.

For Toxicologists to Engage in Outreach
Domestic ToxScholar Outreach Grants support SOT members (including graduate students and postdoctoral scholars) who make presentations about toxicology and toxicology careers to undergraduate audiences at primarily undergraduate institutions. Applications are accepted at any time as long as funds are available.