

2014 SOT Awards and Fellowships Site Opens To Accept Applications and Nominations on July 1

By Matthew Price posted 06-20-2013 02:45 PM


Plan now to apply for or to nominate a deserving colleague for one of the many prestigious SOT or Sponsored Awards.

The SOT Awards Committee encourages you to nominate a deserving colleague for a 2014 SOT AwardAnd now is the time to begin planning to do so as the SOT Awards and Fellowships module officially opens on July 1 to begin accepting applications and nominations for the 2014 SOT and Sponsored Awards. 


No doubt you know someone who is worthy of special recognition for his or her work and you can play an important role in assuring the acknowledgement of these accomplishments. This summer, plan on nominating a colleague or colleagues for one or more of the SOT Awards. It may be someone you work closely with—or admire from afar....a deserving member, leader or past leader of your Regional Chapter, Special Interest Group, or Regional Chapter...a postdoctoral researcher or graduate student...  an Associate, Full, Retired, or Emeritus member. SOT presents many prestigious awards to both members and nonmembers alike—from the Achievement and Merit Awards to the Translational Impact and Leading Edge in Basic Science Awards. Criteria for individual awards, including nomination and application details, are available on the Awards and Fellowships section of the SOT website. Why not take the time now to review the award criteria to determine just who you will nominate for the 2014 SOT Awards—or which award you may apply for directly? 

Don’t wait to nominate, plan on doing so now.

Many of the prestigious SOT Awards require nominations by two Full members of the Society (a primary and secondary nominator). Both letters of nomination should provide documentation and descriptions of career highlights for the nominee and his or her significant contributions to toxicology. The nominee’s curriculum vitae (CV) also should be included. Both letters of nomination and the nominee’s CV may be uploaded via the SOT Awards and Fellowships online nomination and application system. Simply go to Awards and Fellowships and select the appropriate award from the complete award listing. 

Nominations for the 2014 SOT Awards are open through October 9, 2013. But why wait to nominate? The online nomination system opens on July 1 so you can begin the process today to be sure your nomination(s) are completed by the deadline. And yes, it takes time and planning to complete an award-winning application or nomination. So now is the time to plan on doing so. 

There also are many Regional Chapter, Special Interest Group, Specialty Section, and sponsored awards offered, some that are underwritten by the SOT Endowment Fund, which are listed on the Awards and Fellowships site. Many of these awards are meant specifically for graduate students to travel to the Annual Meeting—such as the SOT Graduate Student Travel Support Awards—as well as to further postdoctoral research, such as the Colgate-Palmolive Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in In Vitro Toxicology. Please see the complete list of Sponsored Awards and encourage students, postdocs, or colleagues to apply. 

You may also want to review the Historical Listing of SOT Award Recipients for previous winners of both SOT and sponsored awards. Who isnt on list who should be?   

Featured SOT Award recipients will be recognized at the special Awards Ceremony at the 2014 SOT Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, and many awards provide plaques and stipends. Additional publicity is provided on the SOT website and in the Annual Meeting Program and the annual SOT Membership Directory.

Please note: Several awards, including the SOT Graduate Student Travel Support Awards, require that the applicant submit an abstract for the meeting. All abstracts for the 2014 SOT Annual Meeting are to be submitted online by 11:59 pm EDT on October 7, 2013.

Most SOT student awards require that the award applicant is a student member or has completed an application for membership, so research mentors should encourage students to submit a membership application prior to applying for any award requiring either membership or pending membership in the Society. The next deadline to submit applications for membership is September 1, 2013. Applications completed and received by that date will be reviewed by the Membership Committee in the fall; accepted members will be notified prior to January 1, 2014.