

SOT Bylaws Changes: Voting Members Cast Your Ballot on or Before April 22

By Laurie Haws posted 02-21-2019 03:50 PM


The SOT Council reviews the Constitution and Bylaws to ensure that they reflect the current operations of the organization. This year’s update is a modification to the membership application requirements for Associate members. It was recommended by the Membership Committee to facilitate the transition for Associate members upgrading to a Full membership. The change allows the waiver of the requirement for current Associate members to provide new nomination letters when upgrading to Full membership. These individuals have already been nominated previously by Full members of the Society, and the Membership Committee would like to reduce the burden to gain new letters. These individuals would still need to meet the requirements for Full membership to be accepted as a Full member. The SOT Council approved the proposed amendments that were distributed to the membership for comment via the Communiqué in October.

Now, you are requested to vote using the online ballot. You will be asked to log in using your email address and SOT password to gain access to the electronic ballot. As an alternative, you may print and fax your ballot.

Please cast your ballot on or before April 22, 2019. For adoption, two-thirds of the ballots received within 60 days must approve the change. Please contact SOT Headquarters at 703.438.3115 or at if you need any assistance with the balloting process.

Thank you for participating in this important member benefit.

Laurie C. Haws, PhD, DABT
Secretary, SOT Council