by Mathew Bogdanffy, 2015–2016 Chair, SOT Endowment Fund Board
Dr. Edward Carney was known to many for his outgoing sense of humor, his passion for music, and love of family, but among toxicologists he was known for outstanding leadership in developmental biology and developmental toxicology. Ed was President of the Teratology Society, President of the SOT’s Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty Section, and a distinguished scientist with the Dow Chemical Company. Former SOT President, Dr. Michael Holsapple commented “As former colleagues at Dow, Ed was a close personal friend. He was always willing to reach out with a scientific insight, with a thought-provoking question, or with just a kind word. Ed helped shape the future of many toxicologists, not just at Dow, but also within the Society of Toxicology. His scientific leadership and friendship had an impact on everyone who was fortunate enough to work with him.”
Ed’s devotion to education, mentoring, and science is now memorialized through the Edward W. Carney Trainee Award Fund. This fund was seeded with contributions from many colleagues, close friends, and relatives who understood the need to honor Ed and his commitment to toxicology and education. The fund proceeds will support travel awards to trainees attending meetings that offer significant educational opportunities in the field of reproductive and developmental toxicology, such as the Annual Meetings of the Society of Toxicology and the Teratology Society.
Noted Dr. George Daston, SOT Treasurer, “Ed was an outstanding scientist and his contributions to the field of developmental toxicology, which ranged from uncovering mechanisms of action to developing alternative predictive techniques, have helped shape modern approaches to studying the effects of chemicals on development.”
Established in March 2015, the Fund rapidly gained assets due to the momentum of contributors and with the generous matching gift made by the SOT Council, the Ed Carney Fund quickly reached permanent restriction status and currently has a fund balance in excess of $80,000. Having reached permanent restriction status, the Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty Section was able to give the inaugural award during the SOT 2016 Annual Meeting. The recipient of this prestigious award is Dr. Kirstin Bircsak, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania studying the role of placental drug transporters in fetal protection. “I am honored to be the inaugural winner of the Edward W. Carney Trainee Award. While I did not know Dr. Carney when I applied for this award, I have since come to learn about the significant positive influence he had on the field of reproductive and developmental toxicology both as a scientist and leader. Moving forward in my career, I plan to continue Dr. Carney’s mission of researching important reproductive and developmental toxicology questions that will help to improve the health and safety of future generations.”
Please visit the SOT website for more information about the Edward W. Carney Trainee Award Fund Endowment Fund and how you can support this fund or the many other funds that are part of the family of the SOT Endowment Fund.