

Revisiting the 2014 SOT Annual Meeting Blog Coverage

By Michelle Werts posted 05-29-2014 03:05 PM


599_9360 edited.jpgThe 2014 Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual Meeting and ToxExpo featured more than 160 scientific sessions. As mentioned in a previous blog post, SOT members and staff traversed the Phoenix Convention Center throughout the five-day conference, intent on covering as many of the events as possible.

In case you missed any of this coverage in the whirlwind of Annual Meeting activity, we wanted to collect the links in a few easy to reference blog posts. In this post, we’re highlighting the sights of the Annual Meeting, the featured sessions, continuing education, and government and policy activities.

Sights of the 2014 Annual Meeting

You can access a comprehensive day–by–day photo collection by visiting the Society of Toxicology 2014 Annual Meeting Gallery.

Featured Sessions

Continuing Education Sessions

Government and Policy Activities

Come back next week for our look back at the symposium sessions, career development, and research funding.