The Society’s official journal, Toxicological Sciences, continues to introduce advancements to the journal’s content and operations to ensure that the publication achieves maximum impact. To this end—and under the oversight of SOT Council and the Board of Publications—the ToxSci Editorial Board has recently expanded its roles to include two Deputy Editors.
As ToxSci Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey M. Peters explains in his January 2020 editorial, “the Deputy Editors have a number of responsibilities that will aid in increasing the visibility of the journal as well as the practical oversight of content.” Alison Harrill, PhD, and Kristine Willett, PhD, will fill these roles and contribute their expertise as Deputy Editors of the Society’s official journal. Both are stepping in to the role with knowledge gained from serving as Associate Editors of ToxSci.
Dr. Harrill, a geneticist with the National Toxicology Program of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, “will be coordinating solicitation and peer review of Contemporary Reviews and expanding social media outreach for ToxSci,” Dr. Peters notes. Dr. Harrill has been an SOT member since 2005. In addition to her involvement on the ToxSci Editorial Board, Dr. Harrill also is a member of the SOT Collaborative Conferences Committee and participates in the North Carolina Regional Chapter and the Women in Toxicology Special Interest Group. In line with her research interests of “systems toxicology, toxicogenomics, genetic polymorphisms, biomarkers, and population-based toxicology models,” Dr. Harrill is a member of the In Vitro and Alternative Methods, Molecular and Systems Biology, Neurotoxicology, and Risk Assessment Specialty Sections.
Dr. Willett, Chair of the Department of BioMolecular Sciences and Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Mississippi, “will be coordinating solicitation and peer review of Forum articles and developing and administering new training for the editorial board and reviewers,” according to Dr. Peters. Dr. Willett’s research interests encompass “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, developmental basis of adult disease, zebrafish, and environmental toxicology.” Having joined the SOT membership in 2001, she is involved in the South Central Regional Chapter and the Molecular and Systems Biology Specialty Section. She also is a member of the Faculty United for Toxicology Undergraduate Recruitment and Education (FUTURE) Committee.
More information about the ToxSci Editorial Board is available on the ToxSci website. Additionally, Dr. Peters’s January 2020 editorial, “Change is Good: What Is New for ToxSci?” offers further details about advancements in progress for the journal.
The mission of Toxicological Sciences is to publish a broad spectrum of impactful research in the field of toxicology. ToxSci: Your science. Your journal.