

Invitation to Participate in "Chat with an Expert" in San Antonio

By David Rossé posted 11-30-2012 01:49 PM


The Graduate Student Leadership Committee is extending an invitation to participate in this year’s “Chat with an Expert (CWAE)” program. This program provides the opportunity for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to meet with expert toxicologists at the 2013 Annual Meeting in San Antonio.  Feedback from participants is very positive every year, and we encourage your participation as an Expert or graduate student/postdoc.

A small group of graduate students and postdocs (preferably no more than three) will be matched with an Expert based on research and professional interests. The Expert will determine a date, time, and location for the meeting and notify group members by email in February. 

The meeting can be an informal chat over a meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) or coffee, or simply a casual meeting in a relatively quiet area of the Convention Center. If the Expert decides to meet during meal times, each person in the group is responsible for his or her meal expense.

Experts:  Please sign up by January 9, 2013. 

Students and Postdocs:  Please sign up by February 11, 2013.

For more information about CWAE, please visit the SOT website.


The Graduate Student Leadership Committee