

Postdoctoral Scholars: Apply for A Best Postdoctoral Publication Award

By Anke Tukker posted 08-24-2023 11:17 AM


(left to right) 2023 PDA Board Chair Mohammed Ghorab;
2023 SOT Best Postdoctoral Publication Award recipients
Qiran Chen, Alexandra N. Nail, and Isha Mhatre-Winters;
and 2023 PDA Board Vice Chair Dr. Anke Tukker
during the 2023 Postdoctoral Luncheon

Every year, the SOT Postdoctoral Assembly (PDA) recognizes the outstanding toxicological research published by SOT Postdoctoral members through the Best Postdoctoral Publication Award.

The PDA is pleased to announce that the submission period for the 2024 Best Postdoctoral Publication Award has begun. This award recognizes outstanding postdoctoral researchers who have recently published papers in toxicology as a result of the work conducted during their postdoctoral research experience. Three awards will be presented at the Postdoctoral Assembly Luncheon during the 2024 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo on March 12, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Awardees receive $250 and a plaque in recognition of their accomplishments.

Applications are reviewed by the PDA Board, in collaboration with subject-matter experts in the appropriate fields. The review process follows the National Institutes of Health conflict of interest, confidentiality, and nondisclosure policies.

Information about the award and a list of previous recipients can be found through the Best Postdoctoral Publication Awards” web page. Please submit your online application before 11:59 pm (US EDT, UTC -4) on October 2, 2023.

Eligibility for the 2024 Best Postdoctoral Publication Award

  • The research reported in the paper must have been conducted while the author was engaged in a mentored postdoctoral research position, although the author may or may not still be in the postdoctoral position at time of submission.
  • The applicant must be an SOT member or have submitted a membership application by the application deadline.
  • The applicant must be the first author on a peer-reviewed paper published online, in print, or in press between October 2, 2022, and September 25, 2023.
    • Review articles will not be accepted unless they contain meta-analyses and/or decision analyses.
    • Co-first-authored papers will be accepted, with clear delineation of the applicant’s effort.
  • Only one paper may be submitted by each applicant.
  • PDA Executive Board members are eligible to submit applications, but those who do will not participate in the award selection.


The application must include:

  • A completed online award application form
  • A copy of the nominated paper, uploaded to the application platform
  • If the paper is in press, a letter of acceptance from the journal editor, uploaded to the application platform

Advisor Nomination

Advisors must submit a nomination form certifying the contributions of the applicant, including a statement describing the significance of the work and details concerning the contributions of the nominee to the research reported in the paper. As part of the application form, you can send a link to your advisor to complete the nomination form.

If you have any questions, please contact SOT Headquarters.
