

What Do Mixtures, micro-MOOP, and Parkinson’s Disease Have in Common? The SOT InTOXicating Science Talks Series!

By Dori Germolec posted 06-01-2023 11:53 AM


Mixtures toxicology, micro-MOOP, and Parkinson’s disease. What do these topics have in common? They all were the focus of 2023 InTOXicating Science Talks that are now available for viewing on the SOT YouTube channel.

In “Worms, Yeast, and Toxicology: Insights from Mentors and Nobel Laureates,” SOT member Richard Nass, PhD, Indiana University School of Medicine, describes his studies and experiments with C. elegans with the purpose of combating diseases such as Parkinson’s, as well as his mentors and inspirations along the way.

SOT Postdoc member Samantha Romanick, PhD, University of Rochester, transports viewers to Black Rock City, the site of Burning Man, to discuss microplastics in the form of “matter out of place,” aka micro-MOOP, in her presentation “Micro-MOOP: A Story of the Anthropocene in the Black Rock Desert.”

The challenges of and lessons learned in the field of mixtures toxicology are illuminated in “Lessons Learned while Chipping Away at the Unsolvable Riddle of Mixtures Toxicology,” a talk by SOT Vice President–Elect Cynthia V. Rider, PhD, DABT, NIEHS/NTP.

Watch all three talks now on YouTube, where you also can find the three InTOXicating Science Talks from 2022 in the InTOXicating Science Talks playlist.

SOT InTOXicating Science Talks explore the world of toxicology and toxicologists in 15 minutes or less. This year’s talks were presented during the 2023 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo.
