

It’s Time to Be InTOXicating! Submit a Talk Proposal

By Dori Germolec posted 09-21-2023 01:31 PM


Do you have a unique personal story associated with your work or an interesting twist on a well-known subject? Consider submitting an InTOXicating Science Talk proposal! Submissions are due November 30, 2023.

The SOT InTOXicating Science Talks program began in 2022 and involves SOT members taking the stage for conversational presentations (along the lines of certain branded talks that are a three-letter man’s name) that showcase scientists and science in new ways. This year, SOT will once again select up to three speakers to deliver their talks on Monday, March 11, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah, as part of the SOT 63rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo. The talks will be 15 minutes or less and involve minimal slides that are mostly graphical in nature—speakers will have access to the presentation view for ease of presentation since their slides will be mostly text free.

How to Participate

  1. Create a three-minute-or-less video in which you provide a short preview of your InTOXicating Science Talk by showcasing your topic and presentation style. The video quality of the submission is not important, as submissions are not expected to be polished video productions.
  2. Upload your video using this link no later than November 30, 2023, at 11:59 pm (US EST, UTC -5).

Tips for Successful Submissions

For inspiration for your proposal, I invite you to watch the six previous InTOXicating science talks that covered:

  1. How to be an entrepreneur
  2. How to make toxicology not relevant to humans relevant after all
  3. The toxic burden of our ancestors
  4. How a worm, mentors, and Nobel Laureates can inform a career
  5. An examination of micro-MOOP collected from the Black Rock Desert
  6. The complexity of mixtures toxicology

As you can see from these talk topics, we are looking for diverse presentations that can be delivered with passion and resonant with SOT members.

Here are a few ideas on how to approach your proposal:

  • Focus your talk on one aspect of your life or work.
  • Choose a topic that is new, surprising, interesting, or a twist on a well-known topic.
  • Develop anecdotes, analogies, or examples that illustrate and explain your chosen topic.
  • Share why your topic is important—how does it have an impact?
  • Determine if your talk would benefit from visuals or not—think engaging, simple slides or props.
  • Rehearse before you record your submission.

Please contact SOT Headquarters with any questions.

We look forward to seeing creative proposals that convey your passion for toxicology and/or unique career experiences.
