

Explore Annual Meeting Services Designed to Enhance Your Experience in Salt Lake City

By Dori Germolec posted 11-30-2023 04:34 PM


The Society is continually exploring ways to make its Annual Meeting and ToxExpo more inclusive by offering services that reflect the evolving needs of the SOT membership and meeting attendees. This blog highlights some of the amenities and programs that will be available for the 2024 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo in Salt Lake City.

Childcare Program

SOT has contracted with KiddieCorp to provide childcare for children aged six months through 12 years old. This program is for children accompanying registered attendees, and the cost is $20.00 per hour, per child. Children must be registered for a minimum of two consecutive hours per child for each day enrolled. Payment options for full- and half-day enrollment are available. The advance enrollment deadline is January 10, 2024. Please note that the number of advance enrollment reservations helps determine whether there is a need for the childcare program; if there is not a sufficient number of enrollments by the advance deadline, this service will not be offered in 2024.

Also, remember that registrants are allowed to bring children under full parental/guardian control into the Scientific Sessions and the ToxExpo Exhibit Hall. For more on the SOT child policy, view the SOT Annual Meeting Policies.

Quiet Room

New for 2024 is the Quiet Room, which is designed for those needing to get away from the hustle and bustle of the Annual Meeting to recharge. In this location, attendees are asked to respect the hushed atmosphere by silencing phones, minimizing conversations, and avoiding disruptive activities. This room will be open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday through Wednesday.

Assisted-Listening Devices

For the second year, special headphones are available in every Continuing Education and Scientific Session room to offer crystal-clear audio reception to those with listening difficulties. Just ask the AV technician in the room for a set of headphones when you arrive for a course or session.

On-Site Facilities

  • The Salt Palace Convention Center has three Nursing Mother’s Lounges available for use by meeting attendees.
  • There are three family/gender-neutral restrooms available in the Salt Palace Convention Center.
  • A telephone equipped with Telecommunications Device for the Deaf technology is available across from Room 151 D for use in contacting Salt Palace Guest Services, including security. Phones for individuals without a hearing impairment are located throughout the facility for use in contacting Guest Services.

For more information on other services that will be available at the Salt Palace Convention Center, such as coat/luggage check and food/beverage venues, go to the 2024 “On-Site Services” web page. If you have suggestions of or requests for additional services to make the meeting more inclusive, please email SOT Headquarters.
