

James P. Luyendyk Is the 2024–2025 SOT Vice President–Elect

By Dori Germolec posted 03-28-2024 01:40 PM


James P. Luyendyk, PhD, was chosen by the SOT voting members to serve as the 2024–2025 SOT Vice President–Elect.

Dr. Luyendyk is the Albert and Lois Dehn Endowed Chair and Professor in Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation and member of the Institute for Integrative Toxicology at Michigan

State University. Dr. Luyendyk has 15 years of uninterrupted support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his research focused on mechanisms linking components of the hemostatic system with hepatotoxicity and liver repair/regeneration. He is a prior recipient of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Outstanding New Environmental Scientist Award.

Dr. Luyendyk has published nearly 130 peer-reviewed manuscripts and co-authored the liver chapter of Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology. He has served on the editorial board of Toxicological Sciences and as a standing member of the Xenobiotic and Nutrient Disposition and Action Study Section, including as Chairperson. Dr. Luyendyk also is a Fellow of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences

Dr. Luyendyk has been a meaningfully engaged member of SOT for more than 20 years, joining in 2001. He currently serves on SOT Council as the Secretary. Previously, Dr. Luyendyk was Chair of the SOT Graduate Student Leadership Committee Executive Board, the SOT Postdoctoral Assembly Board, and SOT Committee on Diversity Initiatives. Within the Component Groups, he has served as President of the Michigan Regional Chapter and as a Councilor for the Central States Regional Chapter and Mechanisms Specialty Section.

Dr. Luyendyk is the recipient of multiple SOT awards, including the SOT Achievement Award in 2020.

Goals for SOT

The Society of Toxicology is my scientific and professional home. The reason for this is simple: the people. SOT members are the bedrock of the Society’s success. My approach to Society leadership has—and will continue to be—member-focused, with emphasis on strategies that draw upon our members’ expertise and passion for toxicology.

Among the directions I will prioritize as President are:

  1. Assure financial support for programs that empower a sense of connection within our Regional Chapters, Specialty Sections, and Special Interest Groups. Our Component Groups have the potential to maximize meaningful engagement opportunities for our members.
  2. Enhance support for cross-platform communication of achievements and discoveries made by our members within the field of toxicology and across interconnected fields. Embedded in this effort is ensuring the continued success of the Society’s journal, Toxicological Sciences.
  3. Deliver an outstanding Annual Meeting experience. I am confident that I can meet the expectations of the membership as an advocate for innovation in venue selection and programmatic strategies that enable delivery of leading-edge science from members at all levels.
  4. Provide opportunities for trainees. SOT members from all sectors value the Society’s opportunities for trainees in toxicology. This resonates with me because that’s where I started, as an SOT Student member. Assuring that mentorship is available across all membership levels is an activity I plan to prioritize.

Supporting these activities assures that the expertise of all SOT members is valued, creates a playing field where all contributions are impactful, and reduces barriers to engagement of members in the future of the Society. Our Society thrives because of our diversity, and this theme must be a guidepost in our strategic vision. SOT should be home to all aspiring toxicologists, and I will continue to project and share my unrestricted optimism for all things SOT in this new role as we work together to advance the science and impact of toxicology.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is based on the biosketch provided by Dr. Luyendyk for use as part of the election ballot. This citation is being shared under the President’s name as part of their official duties and should not be interpreted as their personal or professional opinions.
