The SOT 62nd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo in Nashville, taking place March 19-23, 2023, is an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students to learn more about toxicology and to present their research. SOT provides travel support to undergraduates through two programs. The application deadline for these two programs—Monday, October 17—is approaching.
Students learn about toxicology during the
Undergraduate Diversity Program.
The Undergraduate Diversity Program Student Travel Award supports travel to the SOT Annual Meeting and participation in the three-day Undergraduate Diversity Program from March 18-20. Students who meet the minimum 3.0 GPA requirement and at least one of the diversity criteria listed on the award page are eligible. This program will engage participants in presentations and case studies across the breadth of toxicology, help them discover education and career opportunities in the field, and teach them about the requirements for graduate school and a research career. Students form mentoring relationships with senior toxicologists, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars, meet with academic program and internship directors, and explore careers with toxicologists from universities, government, industry, and various scientific organizations.
- The SOT Undergraduate Research Award provides Annual Meeting travel support for undergraduates who have had abstracts accepted for the meeting. Abstracts must be submitted on the meeting website by October 17, which is the same deadline for the application. Students with a minimum 3.0 GPA who have not previously received this award are eligible. Awardees receive national recognition, complimentary meeting registration, and travel and lodging for the SOT Annual Meeting. Each recipient will be matched with a mentor, receive recognition during a special event, attend the SOT Undergraduate Education Program, and participate in other meeting activities.
The Perry J. Gehring Diversity Student Travel Award also provides a travel stipend for the Annual Meeting. This award is given to a student who was selected within the last four years to participate in the Undergraduate Diversity Program, is a member of a racial/ethnic group underrepresented in the sciences, and has had an abstract accepted for the meeting. The abstract and application must be submitted by October 17.
In addition, each Regional Chapter may submit a nominee for the RC4 Undergraduate Travel Award. Most chapters are accepting applications until early October. This award requires an abstract submitted by October 17 and accepted; the recipients receive Annual Meeting travel support. Many SOT component groups (Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections) offer undergraduate awards as well, with varying deadlines.