

Help Increase Research Opportunities for Undergraduates: Apply for SOT Matching Funds by January 9

By Jaime Mirowsky posted 12-01-2022 01:05 PM

SOT -supported interns at Rutgers included Zachary Kobs,
Daniella Bermeo Grajales, Faythe Cooper, and Ruth Meletz

To encourage undergraduate students to pursue careers related to toxicology, the Faculty United for Toxicology Undergraduate Recruitment and Education (FUTURE) Committee is soliciting applications from SOT members at academic, industry, and government facilities to participate in our 2023 Summer Internship Program.

Adam Trupp engaged in research
at University of Montana

As part of this program, SOT provides up to 50% of the support for each student intern. The students funded by SOT must participate in toxicology research with a mentor who is an SOT member, and the host institution determines the selection procedures and defines the research program. We encourage hosts to consider selecting students who have been involved in other SOT programs, such as the Undergraduate Diversity Program. It is anticipated that SOT-supported interns will submit an abstract for the next SOT meeting if they are able to collect sufficient data during the internship and apply for any SOT travel awards for which they are eligible.

We welcome applications from toxicology programs that have not been funded previously as well as those who have, and we prioritize applications describing activities that support strong mentorship, seminar and presentation experience, peer group structure, a quality assessment plan, and other aspects which contribute to an excellent experience for the student.

Additional information about this opportunity is in the funding description, and the deadline to apply is January 9, 2023.

If you have any questions about the summer internship funding, please contact SOT Headquarters.

You will find evidence of the impact of internship experiences in these recent blogs:
