

SOT Awards Deadline Approaching: October 9 Is the Last Day to Submit Nominations

By Joshua Gray posted 09-29-2022 04:21 PM


The deadline to nominate outstanding friends and colleagues for a 2023 SOT Award conferred by the SOT Awards Committee is less than two weeks away!

Nominations are due October 9 for these awards:

  • SOT Achievement Award—recognizes an SOT member who has made significant contributions to toxicology within 15 years of obtaining their highest earned degree
  • SOT Arnold J. Lehman Award—recognizes an SOT member who has made a major contribution to risk assessment and/or the regulation of chemical agents, including pharmaceuticals
  • SOT Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award—recognizes an SOT member who has made substantial and seminal scientific contributions to the understanding of the science of toxicology and is actively involved in toxicological research
  • SOT Education Award—recognizes an individual who is distinguished by the teaching and training of toxicologists and who has made significant contributions to education in the broad field of toxicology
  • SOT Enhancement of Animal Welfare Award—recognizes an SOT member for contributions made to the advancement of toxicological science through the development and application of methods that replace, refine, or reduce the need for experimental animals
  • SOT Founders Award (for Outstanding Leadership in Toxicology)—recognizes a Full, Emeritus, or Retired Full member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in fostering the role of toxicological sciences in safety decision-making through the development and/or application of state-of-the-art approaches that elucidate, with a high degree of confidence, the distinctions for humans between safe and unsafe levels of exposures to chemical and physical agents
  • SOT Leading Edge in Basic Science Award—recognizes a scientist who, based on research, has made a recent (within the last five years), seminal scientific contribution/advance to understanding fundamental mechanisms of toxicity
  • SOT Merit Award—recognizes an SOT member who has made distinguished contributions to toxicology throughout an entire career in areas such as research, teaching, regulatory activities, consulting, and service to the Society
  • SOT Public Communications Award—recognizes an individual who has made a major contribution to broadening the general public’s awareness of toxicological issues
  • SOT Toxicologist Mentoring Award—recognizes an SOT member who has displayed a commitment to mentoring and whose advice and counsel have substantially enhanced the career development of toxicologists
  • SOT Translational Impact Award—recognizes a scientist whose recent (within the last 10 years) outstanding clinical, environmental health, or translational research has improved human and/or public health in an area of toxicological concern
  • SOT Translational/Bridging Travel Award—bestowed to up to two mid- or senior-level scientists or clinicians with at least 10 years of postdoctoral research or clinical practice experience and who has an active research program, or currently is active either in the practice of clinical toxicology, medical toxicology, or disease prevention or in the application of translational toxicology
  • SOT Undergraduate Educator Award—recognizes an SOT member who is distinguished by outstanding contributions to the teaching of undergraduate students in toxicology and toxicology-related areas

The SOT Awards Committee, alongside some generous corporate sponsors, also confers special grants and fellowships for research projects on specific topics. The applications for the SOT-Supported Awards are also due October 9:

The web page for each award contains the award description, eligibility criteria, and nomination/application requirements.

Please help SOT recognize outstanding researchers, mentors, educators, and scientists by submitting nominations by the October 9 deadline.
