

Through the NEXT Program, Postdocs Receive Support for Training to Further Their Professional Goals

By Kathryn Page posted 05-12-2022 02:46 PM


SOT recognizes that toxicology-related training experiences facilitate the successful transition of postdoctoral scholars into a professional position in toxicology. The New Experiences in Toxicology (NEXT) Program provides funding up to $1,000 to cover costs associated with additional training related to toxicology that will broaden a postdoc’s expertise and prepare them for the competitive job market. Applicants will identify professional development workshops, short courses, or activities that provide training outside the scope of their current postdoctoral training. Virtual activities are highly encouraged at this time.

The toxicology skill gap desired to be fulfilled via NEXT should not be one that can be met at the applicants’ current institution and should be related to career goals. NEXT funding should not be requested to refine a research project–related technique, to attend a professional society or scientific conference, or to supplement an internship.

Three awards of up to $1,000 per recipient may be awarded each year. The next deadline is May 30, 2022.

For the application and details about eligibility, please visit the “New Experiences in Toxicology” web page on the SOT website.
