

Seeking Applications from Future Toxicologists for the SOT Undergraduate Research Award

By Larissa Williams posted 08-26-2021 04:33 PM


SOT members have the opportunity to encourage undergraduate student researchers that they have mentored to apply for the SOT Undergraduate Research Award. In addition to recognition, recipients of this award receive Annual Meeting travel support and participate in special activities during the meeting. Undergraduates whose abstracts have been accepted for the 2022 SOT Annual Meeting are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit an abstract and to submit an application for the SOT Undergraduate Research Award is October 15, 2021.

Three students who recently received a similar award offer reflections on the impact of conducting undergraduate research, receiving the award, and being involved in SOT.

Macarena Martín Mayor
Kelly Rivenbark
Lucie Ford

Macarena Martín Mayor, who conducted research as an undergraduate at King University, is now a PhD student at University of South Florida. She says, “Research opened doors to get a PhD straight from undergrad” and “showed me that research is what I want to be involved with as a professional goal.” Mayor says that the award “was an honor and it helped me get in touch with . . . graduate school programs.”

Another student award recipient, Kelly Rivenbark, also was an undergraduate at King University and is now in the toxicology program at Texas A&M University. She says that “because of this research experience, I was able to network and connect with SOT early on, which has been very integral in me continuing my education and will prove to be integral in continuing to my career.” She notes that “upon receiving [the award], I was contacted by several toxicology programs to apply” and “I was just excited to learn that I could continue my education in toxicology . . . and doing what I am very interested in.” Rivenbark concludes, “I have been very thankful for this opportunity to connect with SOT and connect with other toxicologists in the nation and worldwide.”

Another undergraduate award recipient, Lucie Ford, who also is a graduate student at Texas A&M University, was a student at Salve Regina University while carrying out research at the University of Rhode Island. She says that her undergraduate research “led to a career in toxicology, where I continued my interest in the graduate program here. After I earn my PhD, I am interested in pursuing a career in toxicology.”

The Society offers many awards for undergraduate students in addition to the SOT Undergraduate Research Award. For example, the Undergraduate Diversity Program Student Travel Award also has an October 15 deadline; recipients receive travel support and mentoring and participate in a three-day program during the start of the SOT Annual Meeting. The SOT Awards section of the SOT website also provides access to information about undergraduate awards offered by Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections. Please direct questions regarding undergraduate award opportunities to SOT Headquarters.
