

Application to Host an Ancillary Meeting during 2024 SOT Now Open

By Laurie Haws posted 11-30-2023 04:33 PM


Would you like to host company meetings, discussions, meals, and/or receptions during the SOT 63rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo? If you are a 2024 SOT Global Partner, ToxExpo exhibitor, Annual Meeting Supporter, or other approved organization, you can request complimentary space to host an ancillary meeting during the 2024 SOT event. The application system for 2024 ancillary meetings is available now.

Ancillary meetings will be hosted at the Hyatt Regency, Marriott Downtown at City Creek, and Hilton hotels and are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Use the meeting request system to secure your space now. Please be sure to complete a unique form per function. SOT Headquarters staff reviews all requests and approves those that align with the ancillary meeting policies.

Ancillary Meetings may not take place during the blackout periods designated by SOT; the blackout periods generally correspond with the time periods during which Scientific Sessions are being held. Please consult the list of blackout times before making your request for meeting space. Events submitted before February 1 will be listed, if desired, in the 2024 SOT Online Planner and SOT Event App.
