

Help SOT Recognize Trailblazing Scientists and Revolutionary Research in Toxicology!

By Marie Fortin posted 08-10-2023 12:03 PM


Help SOT honor exceptional scientists and recognize groundbreaking research in toxicology by submitting nominations for the SOT-wide awards—or apply for one yourself!

Every year, SOT offers a multitude of awards to recognize the accomplishments of its members. The SOT Awards season has begun, and this year, SOT has introduced a new awards application platform, called SOT Apply, making it easier than ever to celebrate a friend’s stellar contributions or showcase your contributions to the field.

Mark your calendars for October 9, as all nominations for the Society’s most prestigious honors must be submitted by then:

Bestowed by the SOT Awards Committee, the recipients of the SOT Awards are recognized during a special Awards Ceremony during the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo.

The SOT Awards Committee also works with corporate sponsors to award special grants and fellowships to fund research projects. The applications for the SOT-Supported Awards also are due on October 9:

In addition to the SOT-wide Awards, additional awards are available from the different SOT Committees, Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections. In addition, Special Interest Groups also have been successful in nominating their members for SOT-wide Awards. All available awards can be found on the SOT Awards web page. Please note that deadlines and requirements may differ for each award. For example, some awards require you to submit an abstract for the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, so make sure to submit an abstract by the November 13 deadline to be eligible.

Start preparing your award materials today. The SOT Awards Committee, additional SOT Committees, and SOT Component Groups cannot wait to see all the remarkable accomplishments of our fellow SOT members!
