

Recognize Excellence in Toxicology Education and Mentoring by Making an SOT Award Nomination

By Marie Fortin posted 09-14-2023 10:51 AM


SOT understands the significance of its mentors and educators and honors their outstanding contributions through three prestigious awards: the Education Award, the Toxicologist Mentoring Award, and the Undergraduate Educator Award.

2023 Education Award recipient Bevin Page
Engelward, ScD (right) with 2023 Toxicologist Mentoring
Award recipient Robyn Leigh Tanguay, PhD (left)

Education Award

The Education Award pays homage to those individuals who have made substantial contributions to the instruction and mentorship of toxicologists and have actively advanced education within the broader realm of toxicology. To be considered for this award, nominees must stand out as distinguished figures in the field of toxicology education and be recognized for their contribution to teaching and training toxicologists. The nomination process involves a letter of endorsement from an SOT Full member, the nominee’s curriculum vitae (limited to 10 pages), and a seconding letter provided by another SOT Full member (this letter can have multiple signatories or be signed on behalf of a group). The nomination letters should not only provide documentation of the nominee’s teaching and training accomplishments but also analyze their significant contributions to toxicology education. In essence, they should paint a comprehensive picture of the nominee’s dedication and impact in the field.

Toxicologist Mentoring Award

The Toxicologist Mentoring Award celebrates dedicated SOT members who have demonstrated a profound commitment to mentoring and contribute significantly to the career development of fellow toxicologists. Eligible nominees must be an active SOT member from any sector within toxicology. Evaluation considers the quality and quantity of mentoring activities, including advising on career strategies, nurturing intellectual growth, and inspiring ethical behavior. The nomination package includes a brief biography describing the nominee’s current employment position and background, a primary nominating letter, and up to three additional letters from mentees sharing firsthand experiences of the nominee’s impact on their careers. These letters should illustrate the nominee’s mentoring philosophy and transformative influence on the next generation of toxicologists.

2023 Undergraduate Educator Award recipient
Lauren M. Aleksunes, PharmD, PhD, DABT (left) with
SOT Past President Michael Aschner, PhD, ATS

Undergraduate Educator Award

The Undergraduate Educator Award, sponsored by the SOT Endowment Fund, recognizes SOT members who excel at teaching undergraduates in toxicology and related fields. Eligible nominees should hold a faculty position primarily focused on undergraduate teaching, have a strong record in toxicology education, and be active SOT members. Application materials include a letter from the nominee or a primary nominator that outlines teaching responsibilities and achievements; evidence of teaching excellence; scholarship in teaching (such as publications and presentations); and proof of impact on students’ career paths. Additionally, letters of support from an SOT Full member and a campus administrative official are needed and should highlight the nominee’s significant contributions to undergraduate toxicology education.

Make a Nomination

SOT believes in celebrating those who tirelessly invest in the future of toxicology. Nominating an educator or mentor for these awards is a meaningful way to honor their dedication and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

If you're interested in making a nomination or would like more information about the awards and the nomination process, please visit the “Awards Review Process and FAQs” webpage on the SOT website or direct any inquiries to SOT Headquarters.

Please note that to ensure a diversity of nominees, there is a two-year grace period for SOT Awards. Preference will be given to nominees who have not received one of the following SOT awards in the past two years: Achievement, Arnold J. Lehman, Distinguished Toxicology Scholar, Education, Enhancement of Animal Welfare, Founders, Leading Edge in Basic Science, Merit, Public Communications, Toxicologist Mentoring, Translational Impact, Translational/Bridging Travel, and Undergraduate Educator Awards.
