Joshua Gray, as a co-facilitator, joins me in inviting anyone teaching undergraduates, or interested in teaching undergraduates, to connect with the group participating in free monthly webinars discussing how toxicology concepts can be incorporated into various courses. Scheduled for 3:00 pm (ET) on September 29, the next webinar will explore how the SOT Undergraduate Toxicology Learning Framework concept of evolution can be integrated into undergraduate courses. Jed Goldstone of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, who explores the functional and evolutionary relationships of cytochromes P450, will co-facilitate. You can register for the series and to join the Undergraduate Toxicology Curriculum Discussion Group.
Discussion generated between and during sessions influences the content of the webinars and provides curriculum examples that can be incorporated into a range of life science and chemistry courses. Engagement by the participants before and during the webinars is expected as an essential element of the experience.
The series was developed to support the North Carolina Higher Education Faculty and Mentor Network, but participation has been opened to all who are interested in the content. The SOT Faculty United for Toxicology Undergraduate Recruitment and Education (FUTURE) Committee has been a partner with North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research in developing these webinars.
The recording of the first session is available at the link in this post, and the dates for the other sessions are as follows:
- An Introduction to the Core Concepts of Toxicology—Co-facilitator: Chris Curran, September 1
- Toxicology Core Concept: A Focus on Evolution—Co-facilitator: Jed Goldstone, September 29, 3:00 pm (ET)
- Toxicology Core Concept: Biological Information—October 18, 12:00 noon (ET)
- Toxicology Core Concept: Pathways and Transformations—November 22, 12:00 noon (ET)
- Toxicology Core Concept: Systems Toxicology—December 14, 11:00 am (ET)
- Toxicology Core Concept: Risk Assessment—January 2022
- A Culmination of Core Concepts to Teach Toxicology—February 2022