

Committee and Component Group Awards: February and March 2022

By Myrtle Davis posted 01-20-2022 01:04 PM


In addition to SOT Awards, fellowships, and Supported Awards with an October application/nomination deadline, other SOT Committees, Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections confer many awards throughout the year to recognize the achievements of toxicologists, particularly graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. Awards with upcoming deadlines through March 2022 are listed here.

Please consider applying for any of these awards as appropriate, nominating individuals you feel are worthy, and/or informing a qualified student, postdoctoral scholar, or colleague about these awards. For full details and contact information for each award, visit the “SOT Awards” web page on the SOT website, where you can search for a specific award by name. You also can select the award from a list by clicking View All Awards under the search field, or search for awards based on selected award Audience (e.g., graduate students, postdocs, scientists) or Category (e.g., Supported, Endowment, Regional Chapter, Special Interest Group, Specialty Section).

Awards supported by the SOT Endowment Fund are noted with an asterisk (*).

Regional Chapter



South Central

South Central RC Student Travel Award

February 7

Specialty Sections



Ethical, Legal, Forensics, and Societal Issues

Ethical, Legal, Forensics, and Societal Issues SS Graduate Student Award

February 1

Ethical, Legal, Forensics, and Societal Issues

Ethical, Legal, Forensics, and Societal Issues SS Postdoctoral Award

February 1

Regulatory and Safety

Regulatory and Safety Evaluation SS Best Paper of the Year Award

February 1

Regulatory and Safety

Elsevier Award: Three-Minute Thesis (TMT)

February 1

Regulatory and Safety

Regulatory and Safety Evaluation SS Graduate Student Excellence Award

February 1

Regulatory and Safety

Outstanding Contribution to Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Award

February 1

Regulatory and Safety

Regulatory and Safety Evaluation SS Postdoc Excellence Award

February 1

Food Safety

Food Safety SS Elsevier Postdoctoral Award

February 7

Food Safety

Food Safety SS Frank C Lu Early Career Scientist Award

February 7

In Vitro and Alternative Methods

MB Research Award for Distinction in Practical In Vitro and Alternative Toxicology Methods



Toshio Narahashi Postdoctoral Scholar/Associate Poster Competition Award*

February 21


Toshio Narahashi Graduate Student Poster Competition Award*

February 21

Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology

Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology SS Student/Postdoc Awards

March 1





Outstanding Graduate Student Leadership Award

February 9
