

SOT Program Spotlight: Endowment Fund

By Prakash Nagarkatti posted 06-24-2021 12:57 PM



Established in 2006, the SOT Endowment Fund aids toxicology and toxicologists through a series of funds that support SOT programs and members. Its mission is to assist in advancing the science of toxicology by providing financial support for the Society’s programs. Article Seventh of the SOT Bylaws establishes the Endowment Fund.


The Endowment Fund is composed of two types of funds: Mission Funds and Named Funds. Mission Funds support the Endowment’s vision to establish an increase in net worth of a set of Endowment Funds to aid in achieving the Society’s strategic objectives, including support of education, global activities, and strategic priorities. These funds also provide significant, stable, and long-term financial support that complements the Society’s revenues from dues and other sources.

Named Funds are created for specific funding purposes as specified by the donor. Subject to approval by the SOT Endowment Fund Board, Named Funds may be created at any time by individuals, groups of individuals, SOT Component Groups, corporations, or other institutions and must be consistent with the Society’s priorities.

SOT bears the administrative expenses of the Endowment Fund, assuring that every dollar contributed goes directly toward supporting programs.

Endowment Awards

SOT Endowmet Logo.pngThe Endowment supports dozens of awards designed to encourage, assist, and highlight toxicology research and toxicologists. These awards—offered through SOT Specialty Sections, Special Interest Groups, and Regional Chapters as well as through the Society itself—facilitate career development by funding scholarships, research, travel to the SOT Annual Meeting, and more, often by student and postdoctoral toxicologists.

Recipients of these prestigious awards are recognized for their achievements, and a full listing of the 2020 Endowment awardees and a historical archive of awardees are available on the SOT website.

Support the Endowment

Making a gift to the Endowment Fund—and by extension, supporting the future of toxicology—is simple and can be completed either by using the online giving system or by completing the Donor Contribution Form. If you wish to honor someone with your donation, contributions can be made in honor of a living individual or in memory of a deceased individual. Donors are recognized for their generosity and support on the SOT Honor Roll of Contributors and in Endowment Annual Reports.

Testimonials on the value of giving to the Endowment are provided by Daniel and Patricia Acosta, Bruce A. Fowler, Jerry B. Hook, and Jacqueline H. Smith, who, as Lifetime Paracelsus Circle Visionaries, have contributed more than $50,000 to the Endowment.
