

2020–2021 Endowment Fund Annual Report Now Available

By Prakash Nagarkatti posted 01-06-2022 04:06 PM


SOT Endowmet Logo.pngThe mission of the SOT Endowment Fund, which has been in existence for more than 12 years, is to assist in advancing the science of toxicology by providing financial support for the Society’s programs. We enable this mission through the generous contributions of SOT members and their families and friends. The mission is realized by funding awards and other programs that achieve the Society’s strategic objectives.

I am pleased to announce that the 2020–2021 Endowment Fund Annual Report is now available. The report demonstrates the Endowment Fund’s continued growth over the last fiscal year, the important ways students and other colleagues have benefited from your contributions, and the ways we use the Endowment Fund to create lasting impact for and by SOT.

Growth has occurred in both the SOT Mission Funds administered by Council and the Named Funds administered largely by various Component Groups within the Society, and the total exceeded $5 million this year! This is largely because of the investment gains, in conjunction with the continued support of donors. A new Named Fund, the James Bond-Michele Medinsky Graduate Student Development Temporary Fund, also was established and was created with the intention to spend down within 10 years so that the impact can be immediately achieved. During these times, the Endowment continued to support individuals and activities, albeit at a slightly reduced level compared with what it might support had it not been for reduced in-person activities.

As this report and the more detailed information on the “Endowment Fund” section of the SOT website demonstrate, your contributions are sustaining the growth of the Endowment Fund, and the proceeds of the fund are working for your intent. Please continue to contribute and to recruit others to join the fellowship by giving with you. The Endowment Fund is making a difference and supporting toxicology and our future leaders by advancing the strategic mission areas of the SOT.

On behalf of the Endowment Fund Board, thank you for your contributions!

#Diversity Intiatiatives Endowment Career