James P. Luyendyk, PhD, has been elected as 2021–2022 SOT Secretary-Elect. Dr. Luyendyk is professor of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation and member of the Institute for Integrative Toxicology at Michigan State University. His research focuses on defining the mechanisms linking components of the hemostatic system, recognized for its role in bleeding and thrombosis, with hepatotoxicity and liver repair/regeneration. Dr. Luyendyk has published more than 105 peer-reviewed manuscripts and serves on the editorial boards of Toxicological Sciences and the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
Dr. Luyendyk has been an active SOT member since joining the membership in 2002, chairing the Graduate Student Leadership Committee and Postdoctoral Assembly Executive Board. Among his many Committee positions during his membership in the Society, Dr. Luyendyk most recently served as the 2019–2020 Chair of the Committee on Diversity Initiatives. He is a member and Past President of the Michigan Regional Chapter and is a member of the Out Toxicologists and Allies Special Interest Group; Women in Toxicology Special Interest Group; Molecular and Systems Biology Specialty Section; and Toxicologic and Exploratory Pathology Specialty Section. He was also the 2020 recipient of the SOT Achievement Award.
Dr. Luyendyk shares his goals for SOT as follows: “For many of us, the Society is responsible for producing durable bonds with both colleagues and friends, and if current challenges catalyze a response, it should be a reinvigoration of our resolve to the Society and its mission. This response should include creativity at the national level and thoughtful arrangement with well-connected Regional Chapters. We must seek opportunity in the face of adversity, integrating further virtual opportunities for scientific communication and professional networking, even upon return of face-to-face Annual Meetings. In this way, I hope my time as Secretary enhances the way we communicate science, improving our global reach and re-envisioning the way we build the next generation of toxicologists. Central to this is breaking down barriers to meaningful involvement in Society leadership, and a doubling of our efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in the Society.”