

SOT Special Election Results and Bylaws Update

By Suzanne Fitzpatrick posted 05-13-2021 03:24 PM


SOT is pleased to announce the results of the recently concluded special election. Thank you to the SOT voting members who voted in the special election to fill a Councilor vacancy and who voted on updates to the SOT Bylaws.

Christine Perdan Curran, PhD

Christine Perdan Curran, PhD

Christine Perdan Curran, PhD, has been elected to serve as an SOT Councilor for the 2021–2023 term. Dr. Curran is a Professor and Director of the Neuroscience Program at Northern Kentucky University. She is a developmental neurotoxicologist who is currently funded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to look at genetic susceptibility to benzo[a]pyrene exposure during gestation and lactation using a mouse model. She has used her communication skills as a former science journalist to promote science literacy and the public understanding of science and to advocate for increased federal support for biomedical research and training. She also is a member of the Editorial Boards of Reproductive Toxicology, FASEB BioAdvances, and NeuroToxicology.

An SOT member since 2004, Dr. Curran has been heavily involved in education efforts within the Society. She has served as Co-Chair of the Undergraduate Education Subcommittee and has chaired the Faculty United for Toxicology Undergraduate Recruitment and Education (FUTURE) Committee. She also is a Past President of the Ohio Valley Regional Chapter and has served on the Council of the Neurotoxicology Specialty Section. She also holds membership in the Women in Toxicology Special Interest Group. Dr. Curran was recognized for her efforts in progressing undergraduate education in toxicology through her receipt of the 2020 Bruce A. Fowler Undergraduate Educator Award.

Of her goals for SOT, Dr. Curran says: “I feel I am well-positioned to use my experience as a science communicator and science educator to promote the Society’s important work to a variety of audiences, from other scientists to government leaders and to the general public. We must turn the tables, so politicians and their appointees again rely and depend on science rather than dictate how science should be done, or worse, ignore our findings altogether. This clearly supports SOT’s strategic goals to increase the Society’s influence through advocacy and effective engagement with key audiences.”

Bylaws Update

The voting membership also approved the 2021 changes to the SOT Bylaws. These updates incorporate gender-neutral pronouns into the Bylaws.
