

2019 SOT Undergraduate Diversity Program Applications Now Available!

By Irene Abraham posted 07-19-2018 02:12 PM



SOT offers several awards for undergraduate students considering a career in toxicology. Undergraduate Diversity Program and Endowment Fund awards for 2019 formally launched on July 1, 2018. We encourage students to submit an application and faculty to share the opportunities with their students.

This year, the nomination and application for the awards listed below have a new deadline of October 19, 2018.

Undergraduate Diversity Program Student and Advisor Awards

There is travel support to attend the three-day Undergraduate Diversity Program at the SOT Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, March 10-14, 2019; sophomores and juniors preferred. Eligibility criteria include at least one of the following: students from diverse backgrounds including groups underrepresented in the sciences, first-generation college, or from institutions that receive no more than $6 million National Institutes of Health funding per year.

Student Award Description and Application Materials 
Advisor Award Description and Application Materials  

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2018 Undergraduate Diversity Program participants posing with their group’s host mentor, Larissa Williams (far right, first row).

Perry J. Gehring Diversity Student Travel Award

This SOT Endowment Fund provides travel support for undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented groups who were selected for the 2015–2018 Undergraduate Diversity Program and have abstracts accepted for the SOT Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, March 10-14, 2019.

Description and Application Materials
Abstract Submission Form

Please note: Applicants must be 2015–2018 Undergraduate Diversity Program participants and have abstracts accepted for the 2019 Annual Meeting.

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2018 Perry J. Gehring Diversity Student Travel Award recipient and 2017 Undergraduate Diversity Program participant Kimberly Rivera-Caraballo

Diversity Initiatives Endowment Career Development Award

Undergraduate and graduate students from backgrounds underrepresented in the sciences can apply for travel funding to attend additional education and career development opportunities to enhance their personal development.

Description and Application Materials

Please note: The deadline is TBD. In the meantime, feel free to review the award descriptions and familiarize yourself with the requirements and, most importantly, take the next step and apply for the award when the deadline is announced.

Students, we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities offered by SOT and to receive early notice of undergraduate awards, graduate school opportunities, and summer internships, by becoming an Undergraduate Student Affiliate today!

Faculty members, you play a key role in our efforts to identify talented students who otherwise may not hear about the rewarding career opportunities in toxicology.

The Pfizer SOT Undergraduate Award is featured in another blog.

Please contact SOT at if you have any questions about Undergraduate Diversity Program awards.