

Recording Available: Careers for Toxicologists at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions

By Wade Powell posted 06-22-2017 02:42 PM


Graduate students and postdocs, are you gearing up for a career in academia? Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) offer a substantial proportion of the available tenure-track faculty positions in the life sciences. For toxicologists interested in careers that combine research and teaching, a PUI can provide an excellent setting for interdisciplinary research collaborations and the opportunity to introduce undergraduate students to toxicology, in both the classroom and the laboratory. 

 v2Shelby Caudill NKU photo.jpg

Shelby Caudill is engaged in research at Northern Kentucky University with session presenter Chris Curran.

Visit the Society of Toxicology (SOT) website to learn more in a video resource featuring members of the SOT Undergraduate Education Subcommittee. The recording is of an Education-Career Development Session at the 2017 SOT Annual Meeting in Baltimore: Careers for Toxicologists at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions: Everything You Need to Know About the Job, Hiring Process, and Strategies for Success in Teaching and Research. If you have any questions, please contact me or any of the other presenters, Karen Stine, Chris Curran, or Larissa Williams, chair of the Undergraduate Subcommittee.

Consider joining the SOT community interested in undergraduate education by subscribing to the ToXchange Undergraduate Education Network. From your ToXchange profile, select “My Options” and “My subscriptions” and then select the category “Committees” and choose “Undergraduate Educator Network Discussions” from the list. We welcome your participation.