

SOT Upcoming Awards Deadlines in February 2014

By Matthew Price posted 01-29-2014 02:55 PM


In addition to SOT awards, fellowships and sponsored awards, the Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections of the Society of Toxicology confer a number of awards throughout the year to recognize the achievements of toxicologists, particularly graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Awards with deadlines in February 2014 are listed below by component groups.

SOT also offers Domestic ToxScholar Outreach Grants. Applications for Domestic ToxScholar Outreach Grants are accepted at any time. All awards may be found on the SOT Awards and Fellowships webpage.

Please consider applying for these awards as appropriate and/or informing a qualified student, postdoctoral researcher, or colleague about these awards. For full details and contact information for each award, go to the SOT Awards and Fellowships webpage on the SOT website where you may select a specific award from the complete award listing or search for awards based on selected award criteria (i.e., for Graduate Students, for Postdocs, for Scientists, etc.). The awards are listed below by Component Group, Award Name, and Deadline.

REGIONAL CHAPTERS                                                                              

  • South Central, Student Travel Award,  February 1, 2014 
  • North Carolina, Graduate and Undergraduate Student Poster Competition, February 10, 2014
  • North Carolina, Graduate Student Platform Presentation Award, February 10, 2014


  • Biological Modeling, Perry J. Gehring Student Award*, February 7, 2014
  • Drug Discovery Toxicology, Emil A. Pfitzer Student Award*, February 7, 2014
  • Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, Student/Postdoc Award, February 15, 2014
  • Food Safety, Frank C. Lu Student Award*, February 22, 2014
  • Food Safety, Burdock Group Travel Awards, February 24, 2014
  • Neurotoxicology, Graduate Student Poster Award, February 28, 2014
  • Neurotoxicology, Postdoctoral Fellow/Associate Poster Award, February 28, 2014


  • Education Committee/Committee on Diversity Initiatives, No Deadline


*Indicates award funded through the SOT Endowment Fund. Full details can be found on the Endowment Fund website